The dataset uses projected stillwater elevations and road characteristics to forecast hazard exposure during a flood scenario. The Hazard Vulnerability Index (HVI) is an attempt to aid in identifying potential vulnerabilities within the State's roadway infrastructure.
Functional classification is the process by which public streets and highways are grouped into classes according to the character of service they are intended to provide. Generally, highways fall into one of four broad categories, principal arterials, minor arterials, collector roads, and local roads. Arterials provide the highest level of service at the greatest speed for the longest uninterrupted distance, with some degree of access control. Collector roads provide a less highly developed level of service at a lower speed for shorter distances by collecting traffic from local roads and connecting them with arterials. Local roads consists of all roads not defined as arterials or collectors; primarily provides access to land with little or no through movement. |
The dataset uses projected stillwater elevations and road characteristics to forecast hazard exposure during a flood scenario. The Hazard Vulnerability Index (HVI) is an attempt to aid in identifying potential vulnerabilities within the State's roadway infrastructure.
Functional classification is the process by which public streets and highways are grouped into classes according to the character of service they are intended to provide. Generally, highways fall into one of four broad categories, principal arterials, minor arterials, collector roads, and local roads. Arterials provide the highest level of service at the greatest speed for the longest uninterrupted distance, with some degree of access control. Collector roads provide a less highly developed level of service at a lower speed for shorter distances by collecting traffic from local roads and connecting them with arterials. Local roads consists of all roads not defined as arterials or collectors; primarily provides access to land with little or no through movement. |
Maryland State Highway Administration (MDSHA), Eastern Shore Regional GIS Cooperative (ESRGC), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), United States Geoglogical Survey (USGS),FHWA, Maryland counties and Metropolitan Planning Organizations |
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<DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>The layer supports Maryland State Highway </SPAN><SPAN><SPAN>Administration </SPAN></SPAN><SPAN>(SHA) leadership and planners as they endeavor to mitigate or prevent the impacts of sea level change resulting from land surface subsidence and rising sea levels. This HVI uses weighted roadway characteristics - evacuation route and functional class - to standardize the impending hazard - projected sea-level rise - along segments of Maryland State Highway </SPAN><SPAN><SPAN>Administration </SPAN></SPAN><SPAN>(SHA) centerlines for a particular scenario. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>Methodology:</SPAN></P><P><SPAN><SPAN>US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) provide the sea level change (SLC) estimate-1. SLC is localized using water elevations collected from a qualifying-2 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) tidal reference station - NOAA observations are transformed from tidal datum to North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88). A final correction for glacial isostatic adjustment and land subsidence is applied to create an SLC value for the official project year, 2020.</SPAN></SPAN></P><P><SPAN>Year ;Tide: SLC Value; Tide: SLC Value</SPAN></P><P><SPAN><SPAN>2020; MSL: 0.00; MHHW: 0.67</SPAN></SPAN></P><P><SPAN><SPAN>2050; MSL: 1.28; MHHW: 1.95</SPAN></SPAN></P><P><SPAN>2100; MSL: 4.91; MHHW: 5.58</SPAN></P><P /><P><SPAN><SPAN>The best available LiDAR, at time of creation, contributes to a county-wide Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The LiDAR-derived DEM is the base from which the SLC value is applied.</SPAN></SPAN></P><P><SPAN>The SLC adjusted DEM serves as elevation data for a Level 1 Coastal Only HAZUS-MH (FEMA) Flood analysis. The shoreline of the county level study is limited to Deal Island Neck. Breakpoints segment the shorline to capture flooding sources, locations, and heights outlined in the FEMA Flood Insurance Study for Anne Arundel County, Maryland - #24003CV000B; Effective: February 18, 2015.</SPAN></P><P STYLE="margin:1 1 1 0;"><SPAN>Flooding Source; Location; Annual Chance Event: Eleveation (ft) NAVD88</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>Chesapeake Bay; Patapsco River; 10%: 4.05, 4%: *, 2%: 4.6, 1%: 4.9, 0.2%: 6.35</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>Chesapeake Bay; Severn Run; 10%: 3.7, 4%: *, 2%: 4.3, 1%: 4.5, 0.2%: 5.95</SPAN></P><P /><P><SPAN>Classified stillwater elevations:</SPAN></P><P><SPAN><SPAN>0 = less than or equal to one-tenth of a foot (<= 0.10')</SPAN></SPAN></P><P><SPAN><SPAN>1 = greater than one-tenth foot and less than or equal to a half foot (> 0.10' and <= 0.5')</SPAN></SPAN></P><P><SPAN><SPAN>2 = greater than a half foot and less than or equal to one foot (> 0.5' and <= 1')</SPAN></SPAN></P><P><SPAN><SPAN>3 = greater than one foot and less than or equal to two foot (> 1' and <= 2')</SPAN></SPAN></P><P><SPAN><SPAN>4 = greater than two foot (> 2')</SPAN></SPAN></P><P><SPAN /></P><P><SPAN>Hazard Vulnerability Index (HVI):</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>RISK = (Evacuation Route * 0.5 + 1.0) * ((classified stillwater elevation + .01) / 4.0) * (1.0 / Functional Class) * 0.70</SPAN></P><P><SPAN /></P><P><SPAN><SPAN>Hazard Vulnerability Index Classification (HVI Class):</SPAN></SPAN></P><P><SPAN>1 = RISK <= 0.003</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>2 = RISK > 0.003 and RISK <= 0.15</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>3 = RISK > 0.15 and RISK <= 0.264</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>4 = RISK > 0.264</SPAN></P><P><SPAN /></P><P><SPAN>-1 The SLC rate used in this study was calculated using the USACE High Curve. See </SPAN><A href=""><SPAN><SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></A><SPAN><SPAN>for more detail.</SPAN></SPAN></P><P><SPAN><SPAN>-2 Closest station with historic records of 40 years or greater. An average or qualifying stations was chosen when the nearest station’s records were insufficient. </SPAN></SPAN></P><P><SPAN><SPAN>* - Four percent annual chance is interpolated value</SPAN></SPAN></P><P><SPAN /></P><P><SPAN>RE SHA CENTERLINES:</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>The 2021 Functional Class linear file was created with the process of dynamic segmentation, using SHA's Routes and HPMS linear event table that contain ROUTEID, beginning and ending mile point fields and the Functional Classification field, "FUNCTIONAL_CLASS".</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>Revised HPMS Functional Classification Codes:</SPAN></P><P STYLE="margin:0 0 0 0;"><SPAN>1 = Interstate</SPAN></P><P STYLE="margin:0 0 0 0;"><SPAN>2 = Other Freeways and Expressways </SPAN></P><P STYLE="margin:0 0 0 0;"><SPAN>3 = Other Principal Arterial </SPAN></P><P STYLE="margin:0 0 0 0;"><SPAN>4 = Minor Arterial </SPAN></P><P STYLE="margin:0 0 0 0;"><SPAN>5 = Major Collector </SPAN></P><P STYLE="margin:0 0 0 0;"><SPAN>6 = Minor Collector </SPAN></P><P STYLE="margin:0 0 0 0;"><SPAN>7 = Local </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV> |
<DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>The data may be used and redistributed for free but is not intended for legal use, since it likely contains inaccuracies. The User assumes the entire risk associated with its use of these data and bears all responsibility in determining whether these data are fit for the User's intended use. The information contained in these data is dynamic and will change over time. The data are not better than the original sources from which they were derived, and both scale and accuracy may vary across the data set. These data may not have the accuracy, resolution, completeness, timeliness, or other characteristics appropriate for applications that potential users of the data may contemplate. The User is encouraged to carefully consider the content of the metadata file associated with these data. These data are neither legal documents nor land surveys, and must not be used as such. Maryland State Highway Administrationand the Eastern Shore Regional GIS Cooperative should be cited as the data source in any products derived from these data. Any Users wishing to modify the data should describe the types of modifications they have performed. The User should not misrepresent the data, nor imply that changes made were approved or endorsed by Maryland State Highway Administration and/or the Eastern Shore Regional GIS Cooperative. Neither the Maryland State Highway Administration, Eastern Shore Regional GIS Cooperative, nor the State of Maryland, nor any of their employees or contractors, makes any warranty, express or implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness, of this information.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>RE SHA CENTERLINES:</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>The State Highway Administration makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the use or appropriateness of Spatial Data, and there are no warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use. The information contained in Spatial Data is from publicly available sources, but no representation is made as to the accuracy or completeness of Spatial Data. The State Highway Administration shall not be subject to liability for human error, error due to software conversion, defect, or failure of machines, or any material used in the connection with the machines, including tapes, disks, CD-ROM's or DVD-ROM's and energy. The State Highway Administration shall not be liable for any lost profits, consequential damages, or claims against the State Highway Administration by third parties.</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV> |
MD.DBO.HVI_mhhw_2050_10_PercentAnnualChance_v2_1 |
["Maryland","MD","Anne Arundel","County","Weather","Climate","Change","Rise","Inundation","Stillwater","Depth","Centerline","Hazard","Vulnerability","Index","HVI","HPMS","Roads","Highways","Routes","Functional Classification","State Highway Administration","SHA","Eastern Shore Regional GIS Cooperative","ESRGC"] |
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